Väderstation Pertteli

Weather-related scripts

Commercial use of the scripts are strictly forbidden.

EWN-style WXSIM-forecast

Responsive template for showing the WXSIM-forecast.

Demo: here
Download here!  Size:   Updated: 13.03.2017

WxSim 3in1-forecast

Template for showing WxSim forecast

Template using jQuery for showing the forecast produced with WxSim by Tom Ehrensperger. It creates 4 tabs with different forecasts; detailed, hour-by-hour, graphs and grass & soil-forecast using 2 the datafiles what WxSim produce. Grass & soil-forecast needs PRO-version of WxSim. Template is highly customizable.

New Features
- Comparisation-graph between WXSIM, YR.no and Meteoconsult (Netherlands)
- NEW! Switched to SVG-icons
- NEW! Now can the limit when windicon switch to orange/red be freely set

Download here!  Size: 263.4 KB  Updated: 09.10.2016
Download here!  Size: Bytes  Updated: 01.01.1970 - Old version

NSD 2013

Template for showing Nexstorm lightning data

This is is the v2 of the very configurable display of NexStorm lightning data that utilizes jQuery for periodic updates and creating realtime graphs. This project started as a bandwidth saving project and the script updates images only if newer are available on the server to reduce the bandwidth-usage and has grown to a configurable realtime-display of Lightning data from Nextorm. It is done with high traffic in mind so using of images has been reduced to bare minimum, all styles are done with CSS. It use NSLog add-on software by Jim Jmcmurry what reads Nexstorms Flashgate IPC and produce small commadelimeted text-files to read data from.

- New design. Fullwidth Esr-absed map, all graphics are plotted so no isons are needed.
- The boxes on the map can be hiddened/re-enabled.
- Timelapse for last 60 minute
- Heatmap of storms
- Heatmap Europe - Heatmap based on European Weathernetwork (EWN) -data
- WRF rainradarforecast-layer.
- For Finland: FMI rainradar-layer
- One can choose what layers are shown (strikes, storms, heatmaps, radars) and yhe map remebers the settings till next time
- One can set default zoomlevel
- One can set own center-cross. The map then use that for distance-calculations
- Daily updated monthly report

NEW! World-wide maps!

Demo: here
Download here!  Size: 846.67 KB  Updated: 06.10.2013 - Now worldwide!
Download here!  Size: 668.95 KB  Updated: 04.07.2012 Old version

JQuery Weathergauges 2

Ajax-updated script for generating gauges with only javascript, based on JQuery.

Mainly done for using Weather Display's clientraw.txt-file but should easily be changed to whatever data-file. Its crossbrowser, works on all major browsers, tested with FF 3.5, IE8 (both modes), Safari, Crome and Opera.

- Ajaxupdated, settings for how many updates before stop and time between updates. Every invidual gauge is updated only if value(s) are changed.
- There are 11 gauges predefined, temperature, windchill/humidex, dewpoint, average wind, gust wind, pressure, humidity, uv, solar, daily rain and snow. They point to needed "numbers" in the clientrawfile. To change a value, just find it in the lower part of the jquery.flot.gauge.settings.js and change it to what you want.
- Every gauge has its own settings, ex. max/min values & unit can be set, so its works also for F-users
- Every gauge can have different units in use, supports C, F, kmh, mph etc.

Demo: here
Download here!  Size: 100.88 KB  Updated: 06.10.2013


Template for showing yr.no-forecast

This is a easy to install-template for showing yr.no's xml-forecast. It shows a forecast with 48 hours meteograph for next 10 days and its multilingual. It works both as include and as standalone.
yr.no provide forcasts for 7 million places worldwide and is the joint online weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no) and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).These two public institutions have worked together for more than 70 years in the area of weather forecasting services in Norway.
yr.no is unique in Europe because of our very detailed weather forecasts and its free data policy.

- Multicity-pulldown with ablity for multiple country's
- Configurable settings

Demo: here
Download here!  Size: 286.33 KB  Updated: 27.12.2014


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